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Credit By Exam

Earn College Credit with CLEP Tests

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests allow you to earn college credit for your prior knowledge by taking tests.  Passing CLEP scores saves you the time and expense of a full-semester course.  Here is the link to 365球赛平台’s Credit by Examination Policy #5140, for the current list of CLEP tests accepted at 365球赛平台 with Attachment A. (Note: Policy is listed under Awarding of Credits).

Once you know which CLEP test you’d like to take, go to to purchase your CLEP test ticket directly from CLEP.  Then,  you can schedule your on-campus test at

You can also take your CLEP test at home! All at-home testing needs to be arranged through the College Board.  Schedule your at-home CLEP test now!

Portfolio assessment allows you to put together a presentation for evaluation to earn credits for prior experience.  Use the Thomas Edison State University’s services to earn college credit for knowledge you’ve acquired in your work, through other training programs, volunteer or organizational membership activities, military training not evaluated for credit by ACE or other experiences.

If you are enrolled in a course and you think you may already have the knowledge to meet all of the course objectives, check with your instructor to find out if a Credit by Exam is available.  You can do this any time after the third week from the start of your course but no later than three weeks before the end of the course.  Please review the College Policy for more information.

Although most Credit by Exams are offered on campus, there are some remote tests available. Please contact the Testing Center by email for current offerings: 365球赛平台

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